1905 – 8.3×10.8 cm exposures on rollfilm 118 or 9×12 cm plates.
Bausch & Lomb Automat shutter 1/100. Dynar 6/12 cm.
Maroon bellows, rotating brilliant finder. Rise, fall and shift.
Double distance scale for plates and films.
Camera made by E. Busch, Rathenow, Germany, for Voigtlander.
1905-在rollfilm 118或9×12 cm板上曝光8.3×10.8 cm。
博士伦自动门快门1/100。 Dynar 6/12厘米。
栗色风箱,旋转辉煌的发现者。 上升,下降和转移。
由德国Rathenow的E. Busch为Voigtlander制作的相机。
Dynarkamera with film back. Note the Voigtlander plaque on the left side.
Dynarkamera with its back for plates. Note the Voigtlander plaque.
Close up image of the Voigtlander plaque.
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