Radioactive lenses 核辐射镜头列表(毒镜2025-1-6更新)
经常玩老镜头的一定要知道,有些早期的镜头是含有辐射的 ,主要是电离辐射 也就是我们常说的核辐射。区别于日常生活中的电磁辐射,电磁辐射是明确对身体有危害的,虽然危害的等级以及后果不确定,但是我们要清楚的了解自己所用的镜头是否存在问题。以下文章来源于国外的wiki专门收集了辐射镜头的列表。用来给大家日常参照。
有从1940年通过,测量放射性年代大量生产的镜头。放射性的来源主要是 氧化钍 使用(30%重量)作为镜片玻璃组件。氧化钍具有类似氟化钙(萤石)的晶体结构。像萤石,其光学性能的高折射率、低色散镜头设计者允许减少 色差 利用低曲率的镜片,这是更便宜的生产。与通常情况相反的是,含有镧的透镜没有明显的放射性——镧只有1/第一万,像钍一样具有放射性。含镧透镜的放射性是由于在光学玻璃混合物中有意掺入钍。钍的存在有时取决于透镜中其他元素的混合,导致透镜元素的中度到严重的褐变。
There are a significant number of lenses produced from the 1940s through the 1970s that are measurably radioactive. Main source of radioactivity is the use of thorium oxide (up to 30% by weight) as a component of the glass used in the lens elements. Thorium oxide has a crystalline structural similar to calcium fluoride (fluorite). Like fluorite, its optical properties of high refractivity and low dispersion allows lens designers to minimize chromatic aberration and utilize lenses of lower curvature, which are less expensive to produce. Contrary to often seen statements to the otherwise, lenses containing lanthanum are not appreciably radioactive – lanthanum is only 1/10,000th as radioactive as thorium. Radioactivity in lanthanum containing lenses is due to the intentional inclusion of thorium in the optical glass mix. The presence of thorium can sometimes, depending on the mixture of other elements in the lens, cause moderate to severe browning of the lens elements.
Radiation Levels
典型的辐射水平在镜头元素的表面可以达到10毫西弗/小时(100微米/小时),随着距离的增加而大幅下降;在3英尺(90厘米)的距离上,辐射水平很难在典型的背景水平上探测到。作为参考,一个典型的胸部X光片由大约10先生,往返越野飞行暴露了旅客5先生,和全套 牙科X射线 暴露病人10先生40mr。
Typical radiation levels can approach 10 mR/hr (100 μSv/h) as measured at the lens element’s surface, decreasing substantially with distance; at a distance of 3 ft. (.9 m.) the radiation level is difficult to detect over typical background levels. For reference, a typical chest x-ray consists of about about 10 mR, a round-trip cross country airline flight exposes a passenger to 5 mR, and a full set of dental x-rays exposes the patient to 10 mR to 40mR.
Most smaller lenses with thorium elements are not very dangerous. However, thorium eyepieces are dangerous. They can give a very large alpha and beta particle dose to the cornea of the eye, causing cataracts and other problems. Normally these particles are stopped by skin, but the surface of the eye is quickly damaged by them, and at close range, the dose can be very high.

福伦达珠戒竟然有辐射(Voigtlander Skoparet 35mm 3.4)

Kodak Lenses
到目前为止,生产最多的放射性镜头是伊士曼·柯达。从20世纪40年代到60年代,业余相机的大量生产和销售(含钍钍氧化物)的镜头,包括一些对 小马, 图章,高端 傻瓜 (例如800和 814,而不是100或124 ) 相机。此外,很多专业级艾克塔镜头从这个时代包含钍。也许最著名的放射性的镜头都ektars 柯达航空。
奇怪的是,在他著名的书, 一摄影镜头的历史,鲁道夫·京斯莱克(伊士曼柯达镜头设计部门1937-1968头),只有一个路过的评论使用柯达眼镜可能使钍。
By far the most prolific producer of radioactive lenses was Eastman Kodak. From the 1940s through the 1960s, substantial numbers of amateur cameras were produced and sold with thoriated (containing thorium oxide) lenses, including some of the Pony, Signet, and high end Instamatic (e.g. 800 and 814, but not 100 or 124) cameras. In addition, many professional level Ektar lenses from this era contain thorium. Perhaps the most famous radioactive lenses of all were the Kodak Aero-Ektars.
Curiously, in his notable book, A History Of The Photographic Lens, Rudolf Kingslake (head of the Eastman Kodak lens design department 1937-1968), makes only a single passing comment on the possible use of thorium in Kodak lenses.
Lenses Tested Radioactive
以下资料更新自 网站2025-1-6日的数据 ,为保持数据完整性,以下内容和源站一致。
Lens | Focal length | Aperture | Serial | Notes | |
Argus Cintagon | 50 mm | f/2.8 | |||
Agfa Color Solinar | 50 mm | f/2.8 | S51644 | ~70 cpm (front) | |
Agfa Solinar | 50 mm | f/2.8 | S01812 | 385 cpm/2.4 µSv/h (front), ~100 cpm/0.7 µSv/h (rear) | Agfa Karat 36, front element group |
Bell & Howell Director Series (Model 1208?) XL Super 8 | 9-22.5 mm | f/1.2 | movie camera zoom lens | ||
Canon FL | 50 mm | f/1.4 | 15324 | up to 770 cpm (rear lens) | very early version (archive); version info on dpreview |
Canon FL | 50 mm | f/1.4 | 18974 | 700 cpm (front element), 25,000 cpm (rear element) with Johnson HP-265 (α, β, γ) probe; 175 cpm (front element), 1200 cpm (rear element) with Johnson GP-1001 (γ only) probe; 1.35 µSv/h (front element), 9.4 µSv/h (rear element) with Better Geiger S-1 scintillator dose rate meter | |
Canon FL I | 50 mm | f/1.8 | 58233 | up to 450 cpm/26 µSv/h (rear lens), up to 7 cpm/0.4 µSv/h (behind camera or at the lens barrel) | early version with graphic hyperfocal distance scale) (archive) |
Canon FL | 58 mm | f/1.2 | 25516, 44528 which one? | up to 180 cpm/10 µSv/h (back lens), up to 30 cpm/1.7 µSv/h (behind camera or at the lens barrel) | (archive) YouTube |
Canon FL | 58 mm | f/1.2 | 14591 | 3.2 µSv/h (rear lens), measuring device SBS-RS-9000 | 3.4 µSv/h (rear lens), out the front element 0.93 µSv/h, measuring device JOY-iT JT-RAD01 | backgnd radiation measures at 0.12-0.15 µSv/h | |
Canon FD | 17 mm | f/4 | |||
Canon FD S.S.C. | 17 mm | f/4 | 27548 | NOT radioactive, measuring device JOY-iT JT-RAD01 | backgnd radiation measures at 0.12-0.15 µSv/h | expected this to be radioactive, but it seems (only?) the non-S.S.C. version is. (note that this does not mean that all FD 17/4 SSC’s are not radioactive) |
Canon FD S.S.C. | 20 mm | f/2.8 | 19939 | 3.0 µSv/h (rear lens), out the front element only 0.3 µSv/h, measuring device JOY-iT JT-RAD01 | backgnd radiation measures at 0.12-0.15 µSv/h | this was a big surprise (04/2024) because it was reported nowhere as being radioactive |
Canon FD | 35 mm | f/2.0 | 13497 | 2.5 µSv/h (rear lens), measuring device SBS-RS-9000 | 1.5 µSv/h (rear lens), out the front element 1.0 µSv/h, measuring device JOY-iT JT-RAD01 | backgnd radiation measures at 0.12-0.15 µSv/h | versions from the early 1970’s – concave front element (lummukka) |
Canon FD L | 50 mm | f/1.2 | Early versions | ||
Canon FD S.S.C. Aspherical | 55 mm | f/1.2 | 46,532 cpm (front element) | S.S.C non-Aspherical is not radioactive YouTube | |
Canon FD S.S.C. Aspherical | 55 mm | f/1.2 | 87965 | 3.8 µSv/h (rear lens), out the front element 13.8 µSv/h, measuring device SBS-RS-9000 | 4.2 µSv/h (rear lens), out the front element 12.3 µSv/h, measuring device JOY-iT JT-RAD01 | backgnd radiation measures at 0.12-0.15 µSv/h | can confirm that my FD 55/1.2 S.S.C. non-Aspherical is not radioactive (serial #116311) |
Canon (SUPER-CANOMATIC LENS) R | 50 mm | f/1.8 | 78xxx | YouTube | |
Canon (SUPER-CANOMATIC LENS) R | 58 mm | f/1.12 | 10050 | 0.32 µSv/h (front), 1.02 µSv/h (rear) | |
Canon TV Zoom J6X13 | 13-76 mm | f/1.9 | |||
Carl Zeiss Jena Pancolar | 55 mm | f/1.4 | 2.36 μSv/h | MF Lenses forum | |
Carl Zeiss Jena Pancolar | 50 mm | f/1.8 | “Zebra” 1964-67, up to serial number 8552600 | ||
Carl Zeiss Sonnar | 180 mm | f/4.8 | 0.65-0.7 µSv/h (rear element) | for Linhof Super Technika IV 6×9 | |
Carl Zeiss Jena Biometar | 80 mm | f/2.8 | “Zebra” Only P6 mount version | ||
Carl Zeiss Jena Flektogon | 20 mm | f/4 | 6770596 | Exakta mount. | |
Carl Zeiss Jena Flektogon | 50 mm | f/4 | 2.5-3.0 µSv/h | “Zebra” Only P6 mount version YouTube YouTube | |
Carl Zeiss Jena Flektogon | 50 mm | f/4 | 23.6 µSv/h | “Pre-Zebra” Only P6 mount version YouTube | |
Carl Zeiss Jena Prakticar | 50 mm | f/1.4 | first version with engravings around the outer side of barrel | ||
Carl Zeiss Tessar | 80 mm | f/2.8 | |||
Enna München Lithagon | 35 mm | f/3.5 | 4021100 | zebra version, 0.34 µSv/h (through rear plastic cap), 0.44 µSv/h (rear lens wihtout cap), 0.85-1 µSv/h (rear element taken out and measured separately) | M42, tested by me with GQ GMC-300E. See also for a non-quantitative mention |
Focal | 35 mm | f/2.8 | Kmart store brand | ||
Fujica Fujinon EBC | 19 mm | f/3.5 | Arkku at | ||
Fujica Fujinon EBC | 35 mm | f/1.9 | Arkku at | ||
Fujica Fujinon (non-EBC) | 35 mm | f/3.5 | 0.30 µSv/h – rear element | ||
Fujica Fujinon | 50 mm | f/1.4 | 35,137 cpm (rear element) | non-EBC early style = non-uniformly segmented focusing ring | |
Fujica Fujinon EBC | 50 mm | f/1.4 | EBC early style = non-uniformly segmented focusing ring YouTube (unspecified EBC or not) | ||
Fujica Fujinon (non-EBC) | 55 mm | f/2.2 | front element | only some versions with flat printed text and 2 screws holding the apperture scale ring | |
Fujica Funinon EBC | 100 mm | f/2.8 | Arkku at YouTube | ||
Fujica Fujinon EBC | 400 mm | f/4.5 | Arkku at | ||
Fujica Fujinon EBC | 600 mm | f/5.6 | Arkku at | ||
GAF Anscomatic | 38 mm | f/2.8 | GAF Anscomatic 726 camera | ||
Heinz Kilfitt | 40 mm | f/2.8 | Makro-Kilar all variants | ||
Heinz Kilfitt | 90 mm | f/2.8 | Makro Kilar all variants | ||
Kodak Ektar | 101 mm | f/4.5 | Miniature Crown Graphic camera. lens mfg. 1946 | ||
Kodak Ektar | 38 mm | f/2.8 | Kodak Instamatic 814 & 714 camera lens. mfg. 1968-1970 | ||
Kodak pocket Instamatic 500 | 25mm | f/5.6 | 1.10 µSv/h (β+γ) 0.3 µSv/h (γ) (Terra-P MKS-05) | Kodak pocket Instamatic 500 lens. mfg. 1972-1976 | |
Kodak Ektanar | 50 mm | f/2.8 | Kodak Signet 80 camera. lens mfg. 1958-1962 (3 examples) | ||
Kodak Ektanar | 90 mm | f/4 | Kodak Signet 80 camera. lens mfg. 1958-1962 | ||
Kodak Ektanar | 44 mm | f/2.8 | ~2.20 µSv/h (GQ GMC-800) | Kodak Signet 30, Kodak Signet 50, Kodak Automatic 35/Motormatic 35 cameras. lenses mfg. 1959-1969 | |
Kodak Ektanon | 50 mm | f/3.9 | Kodak Bantam RF camera. lens mfg. 1954-1957 | ||
Kodak Ektanon | 46 mm | f/3.5 | Kodak Signet 40 camera. lens mfg. 1956-1959 | ||
Kodak Anastar | 44 mm | f/3.5 | Kodak Pony IV camera | ||
Kodak Color Printing Ektar | 72mm | f/4.5 | OC186 (L) | ~5.5 µSv/h (β+γ)/ ~1000 CPM | “L-76 SHORT CONJ” |
Kodak Color Printing Ektar | 96 mm | f/4.5 | lens mfg. 1963 | ||
Kodak Aero-Ektars | various models YouTube | ||||
Kodak Ektanon 4-inch Projection Lens | f/3.5 | ||||
Kodak Ektar | 80 mm | f/2.8 | for Hasselblad 1600F and 1000F, made 1948-1950 | ||
Kodak Ektar | 135 mm | f/3.5 | for Hasselblad 1600F and 1000F, made 1949 | ||
Kodak Instamatic M24/26 Super 8 Camera | YouTube | ||||
Konica Hexanon AR | 50 mm | f/1.4 | smallest aperture 16; green AE marking | ||
Konica Hexanon | 21 mm | f/4 | 7029xxx | primarily thorium and thorium decay products YouTube | |
Konica Hexanon | 57 mm | f/1.2 | YouTube | ||
Kinoptik Paris S16 | 12.5 mm | f/2.5 | up to 150 cpm | C mount. Likely neutron contamination from nuclear power plant install. | |
Leica Summicron | 50 mm | f/2 | Summicron. YouTube | ||
Leitz Wetzlar Summicron | 50 mm | f/2 | M39 | ||
Mamiya/Sekor | 55 mm | f/1.4 | 5-10 µSv/h (direct touch), 1,720 cpm | M42, chrome+black, flat rear element. Measured by specialists on April 25th, 2014, at Poissy, France. | |
Mamiya/Sekor | 58 mm | f/1.7 | 1.19 µSv/h | M42 version. Lenslegend | |
Mamiya/Sekor SX | 55 mm | f/1.8 | 6.8 µSv/h | YouTube | |
Meyer-Optik Görlitz Primotar | 50 mm | f/2.8 | Seems to be only the rear element. Gamma spectroscopy confirms thorium: Flickr | ||
Minolta MC W. Rokkor-SI | 28mm | f/2.5 | 1.7 µSv/h (rear element) | early variants | |
Minolta MC Rokkor-PG | 58 mm | f/1.2 | early variants only; SN 2571225 and later should be non-radioactive | ||
Minolta MC Rokkor | 85 mm | f/1.7 | the earliest variant of the MC line Dominique Guebey Jungle Photographie | ||
Mitakon (Zhongyi) Ver I Speedmaster | 50 mm | f/0.95 | 4 Lanthanum optic elements | ||
Nikkor | 35 mm | f/1.4 | early variant with thorium glass elements | ||
Noritar | 17 mm | f/4 | 11720277 | 2.31 µSv/h (front) 1.14 µSv/h (rear) | sold as Soligor, Ricoh, Miranda and others |
Olympus Zuiko MC Macro | 20 mm | f/3.5 | s58y Flickr | ||
Olympus Zuiko Auto-S 1:1.2 | 55 mm | f/1.2 | 119xxx | 12.8 µSv/h (rear element) | first version with thorium glass elements |
Olympus Zuiko Auto-S 1:1.4 | 50 mm | f/1.4 | only early first version “Silvernose” is radioactive; later silvernoses (s/n 409xxx) are not YouTube | ||
Olympus M-System G.Zuiko Auto-W | 28mm | f/3.5 | early modelYouTube | ||
Olympus Zuiko Pen F | 38 mm | f/1.8 | ~7.5 µSv/h (rear element) | ||
26 µSv/h | | ||||
Olympus Zuiko Pen F | 40 mm | f/1.4 | (rear element) | ||
Porst Color Reflex MC Auto | 55 mm | f/1.2 | 37 µSv/h | only a specific version? another copy reported as non-radioactive #000670 | |
Porst Color Reflex MC Auto | 55 mm | f/1.2 | 000543 | 10 µSv/h | f/22 version-Tomioka serial until 00xxxx. #000543 Instagram |
Rikenon AUTO | 55 mm | f/1.4 | 22,937 cpm (rear element) | ||
Rodenstock XR-Heligon | 50 mm | f/0.75 | 5 µSv/h (10 cm from front lens) | Note: this lens was listed as non-radioactive. It might be that my sample was activated during usage in the X-Ray machine. | |
Rollei XF 35 Sonnar | 40 mm | f/2.3 | ~1.0–1.20 µSv/h or ~180–210 cpm | The front triplet seems to contain thoriated glass. The same should hold for the Voigtländer VF135 since they are essentially the same camera with the same lens but slightly different body and functional design. | |
Schneider Repro-Claron | 210mm | f/9 | 10268660 | front element 3cps, rear element 126 cps (Bq), ~30 µSv/h. Background < 1cps | 1967 lens, it seems that only the rear element is thoriated |
Schneider Kreuznach Retina-Xenon C (3962395) | 50 mm | f/2.8 | ~140 cpm, 0.95 µSv/h | Kodak Retina IIc front lens | |
Schneider Kreuznach Retina-Curtagon C | 28 mm | f/4 | ~200 cpm, 1.30 µSv/h (rear element) | ||
Schneider Xenotar | 80 mm | f/2.8 | 2 µSv/h (front element surface), 0.4 µSv/h (at 10 cm), negligible (at 20 cm) | Rolleiflex 2.8C 1954 | |
Schneider Xenotar | 135 mm | f/3.5 | |||
Sigma | 18 mm | f/3.5 | Σ-7205000204 | 2.95 uSV/h (front), 3.69 uSv/hr (rear) | also sold as Spiratone |
Sigma | 18 mm | f/3.2 | τ-74010303 | 2.68 uSv/h (front), 5.25 uSV/hr (rear) | also sold as Spiratone |
SMC Pentax | 50 mm | f/1.4 | 1034094 | original “K line” YouTube | |
SMC Pentax-Q 06 Telephoto Zoom | 15-45 mm | f/2.8 | max was 0.357 uSv/h on the front, with an ambient between 0.15 and 0.25 | Measured with a GQ GMC 600+ | |
SMC Takumar | 20 mm | f/4.5 | s58y Flickr | ||
SMC Takumar | 35 mm | f/2.0 | Asahi Optical Co. | ||
Super Takumar | 35 mm | f/2.0 | Asahi Optical Co. | ||
Steinheil Auto-Quinon 1:1.9 f=55mm | 50 mm | f/1.9 | 1984xxx | ~4.2 µSv/h front element | |
Super Multi Coated Takumar | 50 mm | f/1.4 | Asahi Optical Co. both knurled and rubber focus ring grip versions YouTube | ||
5588066 | Rear element: ~8.2 µSv/h Front element: ~1.1 µSv/h Ambient: ~0.10 µSv/h | Measured with a GC GMC-500+ | |||
Super Takumar (7-element) | 50 mm | f/1.4 | ~30 µSv/h (rear element) | All 7-element variants contain Thorium – thoriated glass!, no 8-element variants contain thorium. Tested with both a personal counter as well as at a medical lab. | |
Super Takumar (8-element) | 50 mm | f/1.4 | 1357066 | Rear element: ~0.34 µSv/h Front element: ~0.15 µSv/h Ambient: ~0.10 µSv/h | Measured with a GC GMC-500+ |
~0.57 µSv/h (rear element), ~0.23 µSv/h (behind Spotmatic SP camera), ~0.14 µSv/h behind (Pentax K-1 camera) | Some copies have tested (moderately) radioactive, others have tested not radioactive. Comparison between a hot/a cold one YouTube. See below for more information about the Super Takumar. | ||||
1398520 | ~250–270 cpm, ~1.63–1.71 µSv/h | min/max average measured over ~3h | |||
1554826 | YouTube | ||||
1557034 | YouTube | ||||
Macro Takumar | 50 mm | f/4.0 | 790115 | ~58 µSv/h (rear element) | early 1:1 version. |
Asahi Super-Macro-Takumar | 50 mm | f/4 | 335xxxx | tested positive, but the lowest of my positive results so far | |
SMC Macro Takumar | 50 mm | f/4.0 | MFLenses YouTube | ||
Super-Takumar | 55 mm | f/1.8 | 231xxx | 1.83-1.88 µSv/h (rear element), 0.3 µSv/h (front element) | Asahi Optical Co. After approx. SN 1.5 million YouTube |
1717437 | 470 cpm, 4.35 µSv/h (rear element), background level (front element) | measured with GM Counting System 975011-1 | |||
3199041 | 81.7cpm, 12.82 µSv/h (rear element) | YouTube numbers according to the video (conversion cpm to µSv/h nonsensical) | |||
Super-Takumar | 55 mm | f/2.0 | 3221829 | ~800 cpm, 7.41 µSv/h | Asahi Optical Co. – This lens is the same design as the f/1.8 but has a ring to limit max aperture. YouTube |
4667078 | Rear element: ~3 µSv/h Front element: ~0.31 µSv/h Ambient: ~0.10 µSv/h | Measured with a GC GMC-500+ | |||
Super-Multi-Coated Takumar | 55mm | f/1.8 | 8-10 µSv/h (rear element) | Asahi Opt. Co. | |
SMC Takumar | 55 mm | f/1.8 | Asahi Optical Co. YouTube YouTube not all | ||
SMC Takumar | 55 mm | f/2.0 | Asahi Optical Co. not all | ||
Super-Multi-Coated Takumar | 85 mm | f/1.8 | 5888634 | front element only, not measurable at the back | |
SMC Takumar | 85 mm | f/1.8 | Asahi Optical Co. MFlenses | ||
Super Takumar 6×7 | 105 mm | f/2.4 | 691xxxx | Asahi Optical Co. I tested 3 such lenses using the same Gamma-Scout Geiger counter. Gamma-Scout reads it (691xxxx) much higher than any of my other lenses. Slightly yellow. | |
Tele-Takumar | 300 mm | f/6.3 | 2953276 | ~0.38 µSv/h (front barrel), ~0.5 µSv/h (rear barrel), ~1.5 µSv/h (through the metal lens housing) | Asahi Optical Co. Tested with Pudibei NR-750. |
Soligor | 35 mm | f/2.8 | 17000xxx | YouTube | |
Steinheil Auto-Quinon | 55 mm | f/1.9 | KE mount | ||
Tamron adaptmatic | 24 mm | f/3.5 | 4.37 µSv/hr (front), 0.071 µSv/h (rear) | ||
Taylor Hobson Rank Sopelem | 8-26 mm | f/1.6 | greater than 250 cpm, 1.5 mSv/h Danger | C mt. Zoom. (the unit is obviously wrong, theres no chance a vintage lens puts out milisieverts, it should be 1.5 µSv/h) | |
Tokina | 21 mm | f/3.8 | 17100658 | 3.69 µSv/h (front), 0.44 µSv/h (rear) | sold as Soligor, Vivitar and others |
Topcon RE GN Topcor | 50 mm | f/1.4 | YouTube | ||
Topcon UV Topcor | 50 mm | f/2 | 0.283 μSv/h | ||
Yashica UV filter 30mm (for tlr as Yashicamat 124 G) | 30mm diameter | 0.36/0.48 μSv/h (ambient around 0.18/0.26) | Yashica filter measured with GQ GMC 600+ | ||
Yashinon-DX | 28 mm | f/2.8 | 0.210 μSv/h | Yashica | |
Yashinon-DS | 50 mm | f/1.4 | 0.680 μSv/h | Yashica | |
Yashinon-DS | 50 mm | f/1.7 | 0.762 μSv/h | Yashica | |
Yashinon-DX | 50 mm | f/1.4 | 1.359 μSv/h (Not all) | Yashica | |
Yashinon-DX | 50 mm | f/1.8 | Yashica. YouTube | ||
Yashinon-DS-M | 50 mm | f/1.4 | 0.572 μSv/h | Yashica | |
Yashinon-DS-M | 50 mm | f/1.7 | 0.798 μSv/h | Yashica. YouTube Not all, earlier version serial 20034462, 0 measured radiation. | |
Yashinon-DS-M | 55 mm | f/1.2 | 1.056 μSv/h | Yashica | |
Yashinon-ML | 50 mm | f/1.7 | Yashica. YouTube Likely, only the older design with ‘YASHICA LENS ML 50mm 1:1.7 YASHICA MADE IN JAPAN’ writings is radioactive. This version is most probably a rebrand of DS-M 50mm f/1.7. | ||
Yashinon | 55 mm | f/1.2 | 0.981 μSv/h | Tomioka. Also branded as Cosinon, Chinon, Tominon, Tomioka or Revuenon. | |
Vivitar Auto Wide-Angle | 35 mm | f/1.9 | 28411420 | 4.6 μSv/h | |
Vivitar Series 1 | 28 mm | f/1.9 | |||
Voigtlander Nokton Prominent | 50 mm | ||||
Voigtlander Apo-Lanthar | 150 mm | 16 μSv/h | Voigtländer Large Format Lenses from 1949-1972 | ||
Voigtlander Apo-Lanthar | 210 mm | 27 μSv/h | Voigtländer Large Format Lenses from 1949-1972 | ||
Voigtlander Apo-Lanthar | 30 mm | 35 μSv/h | Voigtländer Large Format Lenses from 1949-1972 | ||
Voigtlander Skoparex | 35 mm | f/3.4 | DKL mount | ||
Voigtlander Ultragon | 115 mm | f/5.5 | 1.5 μSv/h | Voigtländer Large Format Lenses from 1949-1972 | |
Voigtlander Zoomar | 36-82 mm | f/2.8 | 5033439 | 3.1 μSv/h | |
Wollensak Raptar | 28-75 mm | f/2.3 | YouTube |
Lenses Tested Radioactive (elsewhere, or by contributors to this page)
- Heinz Kilfitt 90mm f/2.8 Makro Kilar (all variants) Kilfitt 90mm F2.8有三个系列,特别是219 243 301 辐射情况 219全部有辐射,243早期有辐射 后期没有辐射,最后的301编号开头的没有辐射.(陈奇军)与通常的看法相反,早期的8元素超级塔库玛(Super Takumar)也具有放射性:https : // yqLv6ngbJ7Y 除了这里显示的镜头之外,我还测试了2个其他镜头的β和γ粒子,从而获得了读数在后面的速度高达约1.2-1.35 µSv / h,在前面的速度约为0.2 µSv / h(背景辐射约为0.14 µSv / h)。所有3个镜头都经过验证,属于8元素类型:除了具有所有外部特征之外,我还为它们提供了服务,因此我可以算要素。放射性元素在后面,而不是在前面。好消息是,数码相机后盖(例如,索尼Alpha 7RII)有效地阻止了来自后部的所有辐射。不幸的是,对于放射性更高的7元素镜片而言并非如此。我的8个镜头也具有放射性。此处的视频-https : //
- Voigtlander Zoomar 36-82mm f2.8 (measured at 3.1 μSv/h, serial 5033439)
- Wollensak Raptar 28-75mm f2.3 YouTube
- 关于尼康测试有辐射的原始视频(已经证明无辐射):Nikkor Lenses tested radioactive (Theoria Apophasis YouTube) and radioactivity measure:
- 关于尼康镜头的放射性测试需要大家一起完善,毒镜测了了列表中的三个镜头没有发现辐射超标,同时测试了手头的常用的三十多个尼康镜头也没有发现超标过多的镜头,所以大家手头如果有列表的镜头可以测试一下。(备注:fandom百科原文已经删除了关于尼康放射镜头的列表,这里我们也注明删除)
- Voigtlander Skoparet 35mm 3.4 (毒镜新添加)
- Wollensak Raptar 28-75mm f2.3 YouTube
- Zenitar-M 50mm f1.7 (Lanthanum glass)
- Leidolf wetzlar lordon 50 /2.8 旁轴镜头 (毒镜测试)
- Fuji690 一代 105/3.5 镜头 辐射较高 (毒镜测试)
- linhof Rodenstock 180mm f5.6 rotelar 辐射76U/H (摄影爱好者:Ali.banananannanana)
- iscoramas 镜头、Iscorama 36 和 Iscorama 54 (没有具体的测试数据,据说辐射强度超过kodak,有谁有这个头的可以测试下)
- canon Lens OM 50MM 1:1.9 后组 0.9uSV/h
- carl zeiss ikon super ikonta 533/16 zeiss-opton tessar T 80mm F2.8 Nr1115925 辐射5.2 uSV/h 红T和 白F标都有,成像明显优于无辐射(淋淋测试 )
- 关于宾得67的目镜辐射问题:目前一代存在辐射,但是网友反应后续的版本也有发现存在辐射。
Lenses with elements made of contaminated glass
Some lenses of the 1960s have elements made of glass sorts which include small traces of radioactive rare-earth elements. Sometimes this accidental radioactivity causes a significant yellowing of these lens elements. Some users of such lenses reported in camera blogs that they healed the yellowing by exposing these lenses to the ultraviolet light of the sun. The procedure needs several days of sunny weather to have a positive effect. Lens elements with such yellowing radioactive impurity are in the following lenses:
- Minolta MC W. Rokkor-SI 1:2.5 28mm (early variant, before radioactive glass impurity could be banned)
- Minolta MC Rokkor-PG 1:1.2 58mm (early variant, before radioactive glass impurity could be banned)
- Minolta MC Rokkor 1:1.7 85mm (the earliest variant of the MC line)
泛黄的镜片可以用阳光修复:也有报道用钍玻璃元素的一些镜头,比如尼克尔35mm的f / 1.4镜头和超级太苦玛手动50mm f/1.8 和 1.4镜头。
The healing of yellowing by sunlight is also reported for some lenses with thorium glass elements, for example for the Nikkor 35mm f/1.4 lens and the Super Takumar 50mm f/1.4 lens.
- Is it dangerous? (
- The Aero Ektars
- Thoriated Camera Lenses
- Health Physics Society
- Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management – Fact Sheet
- Rudolf Kingslake, A History of the Photographic Lens, Academic Press, 1989, Chapter 5, section 4